For jobseekers

Are you looking for work? Together with its partners, the City of Kerava offers services that will help you find work or a new career. The range of services we offer varies slightly depending on whether you are over or under 30 years old. Some services are intended especially for immigrants. 

Learn more about the services on our website (in Finnish):   

You can find general information on how to register as a jobseeker, unemployment security and national services for jobseekers on the Job Market Finland website by the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE Office): Go to Job Market Finland.

Working on an apprenticeship

One way to find work or learn a new trade is through apprenticeship training. An apprenticeship means that you learn a trade on-the-job at a workplace. You can also include theoretical studies at an educational institution as part of your apprenticeship. Find out more about apprenticeship training and other options for on-the-job learning on Job Market Finland. 

Interested in starting a business?

You can also employ yourself by starting your own business, for example. You can find information on different self-employment options on the website of the Central Uusimaa local development centre Keuke and on Job Market Finland.

Entrepreneur (Job Market Finland)

Local government pilot on employment

Together with the City of Vantaa, the City of Kerava participates in a local government pilot on employment, which began on 1 March 2021 and will run until 31 June 2024. 

During the pilot project, certain tasks of Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) are transferred to local governments. Some customers of TE Office services become customers of the local government pilot and switch to mainly using the employment services of their municipality of residence. Some customers continue as customers of the Uusimaa TE Office. 

Read more about local government pilots on employment on Job Market Finland.


Multilingual phone service for the Vantaa and Kerava local government pilot

Mon–Fri 9 AM to 4 PM

09 8395 0140

Tulevat tapahtumat

Kaupunki järjestää säännöllisesti erilaisia rekrytointi- ja työnhakutapahtumia.

  • Osaamispolkuja

    29.7.2024 2.12.2024

    Ohjaamo Kerava, Kauppakaari 11 (katutaso, 04200 Kerava

Katso myös

Keravan kaupungin avoimet työpaikat

Kaupungilla on vuosittain avoinna kymmenittäin erilaisia työmahdollisuuksia eri alojen ammattilaisille ja uransa alussa oleville.


Työmarkkinatori on verkkopalvelu, josta löydät kaikki valtakunnalliset työ- ja elinkeinopalvelut sekä monipuolista tietoa työnhausta ja työelämästä.