Housing for the elderly
Many senior citizens choose to live at home. An elderly person’s independent living at home can be facilitated with home alterations, such as removing door sills, building railings and wheel walker or wheelchair ramps and installing support railings.
When help is needed for living at home or the person can no longer live independently at home, Kerava also offers alternative forms of housing.
Intensive assisted living units
Intensive assisted living is provided at
- Hopeahovi service centre and
- Vomma nursing home.
Rental homes and assisted living units for the elderly
- LUMO senioriasunnot Porvoonkatu 12
- LUMO senioriasunnot Eerontie 3
- Kiinteistö Oy Nikkarinkruunu Nahkurinkatu 28
- Kiinteistö Oy Nikkarinkruunu Timontie 4
- Kotimäen palvelukeskus Porvoonkatu 10
- Esperi hoivakoti Metsolantie 1
- Niitty-Nummen hoitokoti Lahdentie 132
- Attendo Levonmäki Ravikuja 12
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