I am about to become unemployed
If you are about to become unemployed or laid off, you can register as a jobseeker either online in the E services or by filing a paper form at one of our service points. When you register online, your job search will begin immediately.
Your entitlement to unemployment allowance can only start from the day you start your job search.
The city of Kerava is responsible for the services of jobseekers residing in Kerava and Sipoo. You can visit our service points or contact us by email or phone or via the E-services of Job Market Finland. As a jobseeker, we will assign you a personal specialist who will take care of your service package and guide you to other expert services, if required.
The E services are Job Market Finland’s online channel for employment services. In the E services, you can register as a jobseeker, which is a prerequisite for applying for an unemployment allowance. In addition, you can report on the progress of your employment plan and any changes to your job search. In the E-services, you can also apply for employment training and a start-up grant for initiating entrepreneurial activities.
The term unemployed jobseeker not only refers to jobseekers who do not have work, but also to jobseekers who are laid off or outside the labour market, for example. As unemployment benefits are effected for consideration, you also have responsibilities in addition to your rights.
If you apply for or receive an unemployment allowance, you must apply for full-time employment. Ongoing job search is an essential prerequisite for receiving an unemployment allowance.
Read more about jobseekers’ rights and responsibilities (tyomarkkinatori.fi).
The purpose of unemployment allowance is to financially secure your capability to apply for work and to improve your chances of accessing or returning to the labour market.
The different forms of unemployment allowance are earnings-related unemployment allowance, basic unemployment allowance and labour market subsidy.
If you are a member of an unemployment fund through your union, for example, apply for an earnings-related unemployment allowance from your unemployment fund. If you are not a member of an unemployment fund, apply for a basic unemployment allowance or a labour market subsidy from Kela.
In the employment area of Kerava and Sipoo, Kerava Employment Services provide a labour policy statement on the jobseeker’s eligibility for an unemployment allowance to the payer of the allowance, i.e. an unemployment fund or Kela.
Unemployment funds and Kela resolve other requirements for receiving an unemployment allowance, make the decision on an unemployment allowance and handle the payment of the allowance.
Register as a jobseeker and begin your job search no later than your first day of unemployment, so you can receive the unemployment allowance right from the start of your unemployment.
Read more about unemployment allowance (tyomarkkinatori.fi).
The aim is to organise an initial interview within five business days from the start of your job search.
In the initial interview, your situation is examined and an employment plan is drawn up for you. During the interview, you and your assigned specialist will discuss what types of jobs you could apply for or whether you need to acquire training or change fields.
The initial interview will also assess your service needs. It is a key part of supporting your employment and service guidance.
Job search discussions
A job search discussion will be held with you each time three months have passed since the initial interview or the previous job search discussion. In between, you will apply for work independently or participate in services according to your employment plan.
Read more about the initial interview and job search discussions (tyomarkkinatori.fi).