Kirkes-kirjastojen maksukäytännöt
Kirkes-kirjastojen myöhästymismaksuista ja korvaushinnoista löydät tietoa myös Kirkesin verkkosivuilta. Siirry Kirkesin sivuille.
Learn more about how fees are accrued.
If the work has not been returned despite two reminder letters, the late fee is handed over to a debt collection agency. The debt collection agency charges its own collection costs for each bill.
Loaned works for which a collection bill has been sent can be returned to the library, in which case the customer has to pay the agency’s collection costs and late fee. If necessary, you can also call to ask about late fees. You can find the phone number for debt collection on the library’s contact information page (in Finnish).
Books and other works available for reservation can be ordered between all Kirkes libraries free of charge.
A fee of €1.50 is charged for uncollected reservations for both children’s and adults’ works.
In interlibrary loans, the reminder letter is sent immediately after the due date. The reminder fee is €1 per letter.
A replacement fee is charged for lost or damaged works.
Books, CDs and console games can also be replaced by bringing in the same product. The book or disc must be in good condition and of the same or newer edition as the work being replaced.
DVDs and Blu-ray discs can only be replaced with cash.
The library will not refund the replacement fee even if the lost work is later found.
You can purchase a sticker for copying or printing. The maximum credit that can be topped up on the card is €20.
Doublesided copy