Kerava Day

Kerava Day is an urban summer event open to all free of charge. Residents, organizations and communities are welcome to give demonstrations, arrange activities, perform or create own events during Kerava Day.
On Kerava Day, the city hosts the Aurinkomäki festival. Along with other programme, the recipient of the Keravan tähti (‘Star of Kerava’) name plate and Kerava resident of the year are announced at the festival.
Kerava Day will next be celebrated on 16 June 2024. More information about Kerava Day can be found in the city’s events calendar (in Finnish).
Walk of Fame – Stars of Kerava on Aurinkomäki
On Kerava Day, the recipient of the Keravan tähti award is announced and their name plate is put on Kerava Walk of Fame, the path climbing to the top of Aurinkomäki hill. Kerava Walk of Fame stars can be awarded to persons or groups who represent culture or sports or who have portrayed Kerava positively in the national media. The selection is made by a person appointed by the Mayor.