
The next elections are the 2025 county and municipal elections. In Finland, advance voting for the elections is taking place from 2 to 8 April and abroad from 2 to 5 April. The election day is on Sunday 13 April 2025.

You can follow the election results through the Information and Result Service of the Ministry of Justice.

  • By voting in the county and municipal elections, you can influence who decides on important day-to-day issues. The county and municipal elections are held at the same time every four years.

    Kerava belongs to the wellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava, which is governed by the county council. In county elections, 69 councillors are elected to the county council to be responsible for the organisation of social and health care services and rescue services in the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

    The City Council is the body with the highest level of authority in the City of Kerava. The municipal elections elect 51 councillors to the Kerava City Council to decide on the operations and finances of the city.


    The next county and municipal elections will take place in April 2025.

  • According to the Constitution of Finland, the powers of the State in Finland are vested in the people, who are represented by the Parliament, which consists of 200 members. The Members of Parliament (MPs) are elected every four years through the parliamentary elections.

    The election day is the third Sunday of April in the election year, except when Easter falls on this date.

    The next parliamentary elections will take place in April 2027.

    Parliament’s duties

    The primary duty of the Parliament is to enact laws. The enactment of a law is initiated in the Parliament by a government proposal, a legislative motion presented by a Member of Parliament or a citizens’ initiative submitted by at least 50,000 Finnish citizens with the right to vote. Legislative motions are first discussed in parliamentary committees, in which MPs who belong to the committees hear experts, and then in a plenary session, in which all MPs participate.

    The Parliament decides on the state budget for one calendar year at a time. Parliament also supervises the State’s finances and compliance with the budget. The Bank of Finland operates under the guarantee and auspices of the Parliament.

    The Parliament also has jurisdiction in international matters. The Parliament approves Finland’s international obligations and their termination and decides on the entry into force of international obligations in accordance with the Constitution. The Parliament also participates in the national preparation of decisions to be made within the European Union.

  • The President of the Republic is elected by the people of Finland in a direct election every six years, including two rounds if necessary. The President must be a native-born citizen of Finland. The President’s term of office is six years, and the same person can be elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.

    The election day for the first round of the presidential election is the fourth Sunday of January in the election year.

    If one of the candidates gets more than half of the approved votes in the first round of the election, they will be elected President. If this is not the case, a second round will be held between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round. The second round will take place on Sunday two weeks after the first round. The candidate with the most votes in the second round is elected President.

    If there is only one candidate in the presidential election, this candidate will be elected President without an election. The President will take office on the first day of the month following the election.

    The next presidential election will take place on Sunday 27 January 2030.

    President’s duties

    Finland’s highest state bodies are the Parliament, the President of the Republic and the Government.

    The President leads Finland’s foreign policy in cooperation with the Government. The Government is responsible for the national preparation of decisions to be made within the European Union and related Finnish decisions, unless the decision requires the approval of the Parliament.

    As a general rule, the President makes decisions based on the Government’s proposals. The President appoints the prime minister chosen by the Parliament and other ministers based on the prime minister’s proposal. The President confirms acts approved by the Parliament. The President also appoints judges and some of the highest government officials. In some individual cases, the President can pardon a person, revoking a punishment imposed by a court in part or in full. The President is the Supreme Commander of the Finnish Defence Forces. The President makes decisions pertaining to war and peace with the consent of the Parliament.

  • The European Parliament is one of the European Union’s legislative bodies. EU citizens elect the members of the European Parliament in European Parliament elections, which are held every five years. In Finland, 15 members, or MEPs, are elected to the European Parliament.

    The next European Parliament elections will take place in 2029.

    European Parliament’s duties

    The European Parliament is the representative institution of the European Union, and its members represent EU citizens at the level of the union. The European Parliament enacts laws and approves the budget of the European Union together with the Council of the European Union. In addition to this, the Parliament oversees the Commission and the institutions of the European Union.

Right to vote

Each person entitled to vote has one vote. The right to vote must always be exercised personally. No one can vote on behalf of another. All those entitled to vote decide for themselves whether or not they wish to vote in the elections. The right to vote involves election secrecy – the election authorities or other voters do not know who you have voted for, and you do not have to reveal the recipient of your vote.

In Finland, election period is safe and peaceful, so are the polling stations.

  • Municipal elections

    In municipal elections, all those who turn 18 no later than on the election day have the right to vote in the municipality that is their place of residence on the 51st day before the election day.

    County elections

    All those who turn 18 no later than on election day and whose municipality of residence is on one of the wellbeing services counties on the 51st day before the election day are eligible to vote in county elections.

    Parliamentary elections, presidential elections and European Parliament elections

    All those who turn 18 no later than on the election day have the right to vote, regardless of place of residence.

  • Municipal elections

    All those who turn 18 no later on the election day, who are citizens of an EU member state, Iceland or Norway, and whose place of residence the municipality in question has been on the 51st day before the election day, are eligible to vote in municipal elections.

    County elections

    All those who turn 18 no later on the election day, who are citizens of an EU member state, Iceland or Norway, and whose place of residence is a municipality belonging to the wellbeing services county on the 51st day before the election day are eligible to vote in county elections.

    European Parliament elections

    In the European Parliament elections, voting rights are held by all citizens of an EU member state who have turned 18 no later than the election day, who have registered in the Digital and Population Services Agency’s voting rights register no later than 80 days before the election day

    • and whose municipality of residence is in Finland on the 51st day before the election day
    • or who are employed by the EU or an international organisation operating in Finland or are family members of such persons and live in Finland.
  • Municipal elections

    Citizens of another country whose place of residence is the municipality in question on the 51st day before the election day and whose municipality of residence has been in Finland for two years are eligible to vote in municipal elections.

    Moreover, those employed by the EU or an international organisation operating in Finland with a place of residence in the municipality in question on the 51st day before election day are eligible to vote, provided that their personal data has been entered in the Population Information System at their request and they have submitted a written notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, stating that they wish to exercise their right to vote in the municipal elections no later than on the 52nd day before election day.

    County elections

    Those citizens of another country who turn 18 no later than on the election day, whose place of residence is a municipality belonging to the wellbeing services county on the 51st day before the election day and whose municipality of residence has been in Finland for two years on the 51st day before the election day are eligible to vote in county elections.

    Moreover, those employed by the EU or an international organisation operating in Finland with a place of residence in a municipality belonging to the wellbeing services county in question on the 51st day before election day are eligible to vote, provided that their personal data has been entered in the Population Information System at their request and that they have submitted a written notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, stating that they wish to exercise their right to vote in the county elections no later than on the 52nd day before election day.

Voting in the county and municipal elections

  • In order to vote, you need a photo ID. Bring your police-issued identity card, passport, driving license or similar document with a photo to the polling station.

    If you do not have a document of this kind, you can apply for a free temporary ID card for voting at the nearest police station. To apply, you need a passport photo that is not older than six months.

    Right to vote is checked using an electronic system, so you do not need to bring your polling card.

  • Polling stations for advance voting

    1. City Library (Paasikivenkatu 12)
    Open 2–8 April 2025, Mon-Fri 9–19 and Sat–Sun 10–18

    2. K-Citymarket (Nikonkatu 1)
    Open 2–8 April 2025, Mon-Fri 9–19 and Sat–Sun 10–18

    3. Ahjo community house (Kerananpolku 1)
    Open 2–4 April 2025, Wed-Fri 9–19

    4. Savio school (Juurakkokatu 33)
    Open 5 April and 7–8 April 2025, Sat 10–18 and Mon-Tue 9–19

    Polling stations on the election day 13 April

    001 Kaleva
    Kaleva school (Kalevankatu 66)
    Open 9–20

    002 Kaleva
    Kurkela school (Kalevankatu 10)
    Open 9–20

    003 Untola
    City Library, Pentinkulma (Paasikivenkatu 12)
    Open 9–20

    004 Kilta
    Kilta school (Sarvimäentie 35)
    Open 9–20

    005 Sompio
    Sompio school (Aleksis Kiven tie 18)
    Open 9–20

    006 Kannisto
    Svensbacka skola (Taimikatu 6)
    Open 9–20

    007 Savio
    Savio school (Juurakkokatu 33)
    Open 9–20

    008 Ahjo
    Ahjo school (Keijutie 2)
    Open 9–20

    009 Lapila
    Keravanjoki school (Ahjontie 2)
    Open 9–20

  • In county and municipal elections, you can vote in advance 2–8 April 2025. You can vote in advance at any general advance polling station either in Finland or abroad. In order to vote in advance, you need a photo ID.

    In county and municipal elections, you can vote in advance either in both elections or one only. At the polling station you will get two ballots. The purple ballot is for voting for a county election candidate and the white ballot is for a municipal election candidate.

    In Finland, advance voting starts on Wednesday, the 11th day before election day, and ends on Tuesday, the 5th day before election day. Every municipality has at least one general advance polling station. The largest municipalities usually have several general advance polling stations. Generally speaking, advance polling stations are open on all seven advance voting days. However, some stations may be open for a shorter time.

    How to vote

    1. The election official checks the voter’s identity and gives a purple ballot for voting in county elections.
    2. The voter enters to the voting booth to vote for the county election candidate and marks the vote on the ballot.
    3. The election official gives the voter a white ballot for voting in municipal elections.
    4. The voter enters to the voting booth to vote for the municipal election candidate and marks the vote on the ballot. You can vote in both county and municipal elections or, if you wish, in one of the elections only.
    5. The election official stamps the ballots, and the voter seals the ballots in the ballot envelopes with glue.
    6. The election official makes an entry in the voting register about exercising the right to vote.
    7. The election official prints out and dates the cover letter. The voter and election official sign the cover letter.
    8. The election official closes the ballot envelope and the cover letter in the cover envelope.
  • On election day 13 April the polling stations open at 9 am and voting continues until 8 pm. If there is a queue at the polling station at 8 pm, everyone who arrived by 8 pm will be allowed to vote before the polling station closes.

    On election day, you can only vote at your designated polling station, which is determined by your home address. You can find the polling station and its address on election day in the polling card. The polling card has been sent to you by mail, or you can find it electronically in the Suomi.fi service. You can also check the address by calling 0800 94770.

    In county and municipal elections, you are given two ballots at the polling station. The purple ballot is for voting for a county election candidate and the white ballot is for a municipal election candidate. You can vote in both elections or, if you wish, in only one of them. If you voted in advance, on election day you can only vote in the election in which you have not already voted.

    How to vote

    1. The election official checks the voter’s identity and gives the ballots.
    2. The voter marks the ballots to cast the votes. You can vote in both county and municipal elections or, if you wish, in one of the elections only.
    3. The election official stamps the ballots.
    4. The voter drops the ballots into the ballot box.
  • At-home voting

    If your ability to move or function is limited to the degree that you are unable to go to an advance polling station or your election day polling station without unreasonable difficulty, you may vote in advance in your own home. Those eligible for at-home voting can only vote in the municipality listed as their place of residence in the voting register and polling card (the election office checks this in advance).

    In county and municipal elections, voters must notify the Central Election Committee in writing or by phone of their wish to vote at home no later than on Tuesday, 1 April 2025 at 4 pm. A person chosen by the voter can also provide the notification on behalf of the voter.

    For registration by phone, please call 09 29 49 2080. For registration in writing, you can download a printable notification form at vaalit.fi/aanestaminen-kotona or pick one up at the service point of the Sampola service centre (Kultasepänkatu 7).

    Send the completed notification form either by e-mail to vaalit@kerava.fi or by mail to Keravan kaupungin keskusvaalilautakunta, PL 123, 04201 Kerava. You can also bring the notification form to the service point of the Sampola service centre. The notification must be received by the Central Election Committee no later than on Tuesday, 1 April 2025, before 4 pm.

    If you opt to vote at home, an election officer appointed by the municipality’s Central Election Committee will visit your home at the agreed time and to take the vote. An informal carer who lives in the same household as the voter can also cast their vote at the same time. The Central Election Committee of the municipality must be notified of the informal carer’s intention to vote when registering for home voting.

    Voting at an institution

    Voting at institutions will be organised during the advance voting period 2–8 April 2025 in all institutions specified in the Election Act that are located in Kerava. Only persons who are being cared for or have been admitted to institutions can vote in them. Other persons, such as the employees of the institutions, do not have the right to vote at the institutions.

    Institutions in Kerava that are eligible for voting

    • Assisted living facility Satakieli (Käpytie 1)
    • HUS, unit for people with intellectual disabilities (Kokontie 18)
    • Attendo Hummeli (Männiköntie 26)
    • Attendo Levonmäki (Ravikuja 12)
    • Attendo Mäntykoti (Männiköntie 28)
    • Esperi Nursing Home Kerava (Metsolantie 1)
    • Esperi Care Home Koppelo Kerava (Metsolantie 1)
    • Humana Kristallikartano (Kettinkikuja 1)
    • Nursing Home Vomma (Kisapolku 3)
    • Hopeahovi Service Centre (Metsolantie 4)
    • Assessment Unit and Rehabilitation Miina (Metsolantie 2 A, 2nd floor)
    • Assessment Unit and Rehabilitation Helmi (Metsolantie 2 A, 2nd floor)
    • Kerava Prison (Lahdentie 711)
    • ‘Toukola Service Centre (Timontie 1 A)
    • Niitty-Nummen Care Home (Lahdentie 132)
    • Marttila Nursing Home, incl. communal housing (Lehmuskatu 1)
    • Nursing Home Lumo (Porvoonkatu 12)
    • Group Home Virrenkulma (Palosenkatu 1–3)
    • Finlandia Pharmacy & Natural Health Centre (Pianonsoittajankatu 1)
  • Certain Finnish missions and their offices serve as general advance polling stations abroad. All those with the right to vote are entitled to vote at them. This includes expatriate Finns as well as people who are taking a holiday, working or studying abroad.

    Many advance voting stations abroad are open on all advance voting days 2–5 April 2025, but some of them are open for a shorter period. Advance voting at a Finnish mission is carried out in roughly the same way as advance voting at home. In order to vote, you need a photo ID.

    Postal voting

    Voters who are living or staying abroad during elections can vote by mail from abroad.

    More information about postal voting

    Voting on board ships

    The opportunity to vote is arranged for the crews of Finnish ships abroad. The voting can begin as early as the 18th day before the election day but will end at the same time as the voting at missions, i.e. the 8th day before the election day. Only ship crew members may vote through the onboard voting process.

Information for county and municipal election candidates

  • Becoming a party candidate

    If you want to become a candidate for a party, contact the party directly. Each party nominates its candidate in the manner required by its rules and according to its own schedule.

    If you want to appear on the party’s list of candidates with the word “independent” after your name, you can agree on this with the party. However, the word “independent” may not be used in official candidate nomination documents, such as combinations of candidate lists.

    The party’s polling representative is responsible for making the party’s candidate application.

    Party contact details in the register of parties

    Becoming a candidate for a constituency association

    If you want to register as a candidate, but not as a candidate of any party, you or those who support your candidacy must establish a constituency association. Establishing a constituency association requires the following:

    • in county elections, at least 50 people living in the wellbeing service county with the right to vote
    • in municipal elections, at least 10 persons entitled to vote in the same municipality.

    A constituency association is established by drawing up a charter, which must contain the following information:

    • the candidate’s name,
    • the name, date of birth and address of each supporter of the candidacy, as well as a signature to declare the right to vote in the relevant electoral district or, in county elections, in the relevant welfare area or, in municipal elections, in the relevant municipality.

    A constituency association requires a polling representative and a deputy for them. The candidate can also serve as the polling representative. The polling representative must submit the constituency association’s candidate application to the county election board in county elections and to the municipality’s central election board in municipal elections. Candidate applications can be submitted using candidate application forms according to the formula confirmed by the Ministry of Justice.

  • In Section 4 of its decision dated 21 January 2025, the central election board decided on the submission of documents related to candidate nomination in Kerava.

    In accordance with the decision, candidate applications and other documents regarding the nomination of candidates must be submitted to the secretary of the central election board at the Kerava election office, address Kauppakaari 11, at the following times:

    • 25 February 2025, 8–12
    • 26 February 2025, 12–15
    • 3 March 2025, 8–12
    • 4 March 2025, 12–16

    Candidate applications and notifications are submitted by the election representative of the party, joint list and constituency associations.

  • Polling stations and their proximity

    The Election Act states that election advertisements may not be placed in or near advance polling stations or election day polling stations in such a way that they could be considered to affect voters’ freedom of choice. As a general rule, election advertisements should not be visible in or from the election premises or at the entrance.

    General and public areas and properties managed by the city

    The placement of individual election advertisements and election advertising in public areas managed and properties managed by the city or in other public and general arenas managed by the city is prohibited. A candidate or a group that has nominated candidates may not gain an advantage in the elections by using the city’s general areas, real estate or other arena for election advertising without permission.

    In the properties, areas and arenas managed by the city, the aim is to stay as neutral and unbiased as possible in terms of elections. Other reasons for the prohibition include equality, traffic safety, protecting urban infrastructure and maintaining a clean and clear cityscape.

    In addition, it should be noted that advertisements installed without permission in public areas often hinder traffic and are attached to signage and posts contrary to the regulations set for traffic signs. Installing and removing advertisements in traffic areas may cause dangerous situations for both the person putting up the advertisements and surrounding traffic.

    Advertisements litter public city spaces, may make it difficult to maintain areas and damage city property. Advertisements get dirty and break easily, and they are often the targets of vandalism. Usually, individual advertisers do not repair, clean or remove their ads that are in poor condition.

    However, a separate permit is not required for on-foot promotion in public areas that does not involve temporary structures, such as tents.

    Factors that define an election ad

    • An election-related identifier, such as the identifier/name/abbreviation of the group nominating candidates, etc.
    • The candidate’s name, number or other identifier, etc.
    • The candidate group’s name, number or other identifier, etc.
    • An image, pattern, graphic, slogan or similar item that can be linked to a candidate, a candidate group or a group that has nominated candidates and thus be interpreted as an election ad.
    • Another factor based on which the image, work or similar item can be interpreted as an election ad.
  • In order to ensure equal treatment in the county and municipal elections, the principle of centralised election advertising is followed in the public areas managed by the city of Kerava, as for previous elections. According to the principle, only election posters mounted on stands installed by the city are allowed in public areas.

    The city of Kerava organises centralised election advertising in ten election advertising locations, which are located in areas owned by the city in different parts of Kerava (download a map of the election ad locations). No separate fee for election advertising spots is charged from parties or constituency associations.

    Parties and constituency associations must inform the secretaries of the central election board (charles.pudas@kerava.fi and riikka.kortelainen@kerava.fi) by 11 March 2025 about using the election ad space on a stand, so that the correct number of stands can be reserved. Election advertising in Kerava will begin on 26 March 2025.

    As regards advertisements attached to election advertising stands, Kerava has two options for county and municipal elections:

    • Posters attached to a backing board (the traditional model)
    • Election ads printed on honeycomb boards

    Practical instructions for parties and constituency associations

    The city of Kerava Urban Environment Department takes care of deploying the election ad stands.

    The representatives of the parties nominating candidates must submit the election ads as soon as possible once the parties receive the ads. If the delivery of the ads is delayed, the city cannot guarantee that they will be on the stands on 26 March 2025.

    Ten (10) ads are needed for the municipal elections and ten (10) for the county elections, in addition to the number of spare copies determined by the parties themselves.

    The parties themselves must take care of the restoration of ads vandalised during the election period. If necessary, more backing boards can be obtained from the city to replace broken ones for attaching posters. Also, if necessary, you can order more honeycomb boards to replace broken ones (fast delivery time).

    Materials to be printed on honeycomb boards

    • Instructions and enquiries: charles.pudas@kerava.fi.
    • Orders must be submitted directly to the supplier. The city will collect the ads from the supplier and install them on the stands on 26 March 2025.

    Posters attached to backing boards

    • The party itself is responsible for attaching the (traditional) posters to the backing board. The party will receive the plywood backing boards (120×80 cm) from the city.
    • The ads attached to the backing boards will be delivered to the city, which will take care of installing them on the stands on 26 March 2025.
    • Enquiries regarding the collection of backing boards and the delivery of ads affixed to the backing boards: charles.pudas@kerava.fi

    The city will remove the ads on the day after the election day, i.e. Monday, 14 April 2025.

Additional information

For more information on election-related matters, contact the secretaries of the Central Election Board or email vaalit@kerava.fi.