Completed projects

Completed Erasmus+ projects 2022–2023

  • In April 2022, Kerava Upper Secondary School started a partnership with Lycée Victor Duruy in Mont-de-Marsan, France. The aim of the project was to find new and innovative pedagogical approaches and methods for teaching English in situations where students have learning difficulties for various reasons. The project explored French culture and education by comparing Finnish and French society, values and history. Strengthening cultural and historical awareness and a positive view of the learner were key objectives.

    8 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ group mobility.

    Partner school: Lycée Victor Duruy

  • The aim of the project was to develop students’ scientific knowledge and IT skills.
    20 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ group mobility.

    Partner school: Liceo Calini Brescia

  • The theme of the project was fashion and graphic design. The project explored how young people express their identity through street fashion. One focus of the project was the responsibility of fashion in consumer culture and how we communicate our values and ideas through the way we dress. Students from Kerava Upper Secondary School and Italian Upper Secondary School designed a garment or set of garments from recycled materials. The project ended with a fashion show.

    12 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ group mobility.

    Partner school: Istituto D’Istruzione Superiore Caterina Caniana

  • The project focused on tourism and its social and economic impact in Italy and Finland.
    7 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ group mobility.

    Partner school: Istituto Istruzione Superiore Einaudi-Alvaro

  • The theme of the project was Common Europe – different nations.

    The project explored the differences and similarities between Spain and Finland in terms of history, society, geography and nature, culture, customs and traditions, and everyday life. Each group’s project work explored its own thematic area, which was the subject of an illustrative presentation to be given to all at the end of the project. The students also produced infographics on their topic area, which were printed and displayed. The destinations of the field trips during the project, both in Spain and Finland, were linked to the content of the project work.

    10 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ mobility.

    Partner school: IES Francesc Tàrrega

  • The aim of the project was to learn about the history of Aschersleben, Berlin and the former divided Germany. The students were also introduced to the artistic work of Neo Rauch, the world famous artist born in Aschersleben. The project included visions for the future, too: how to live, what to eat, how to travel and how to live in the future in order to promote sustainability. As the project was specifically aimed at students studying German as a foreign language, the aim was also to get first-hand experience about German culture, way of living, and to use the German language as much as possible in an authentic environment.

    10 students and 2 teachers took part in the Erasmus+ mobility.

    Partner school: Stephaneum Gymnasium Aschersleben