Tulevaisuuden Kerava -työpaja senioreille
12:00 – 14:00
Keravan kaupunginkirjasto, Paasikivenkatu 12, 04200 Kerava
Kerava is a safe and comfortable city, where people and the environment are looked after. High-quality services are nearby and within walking distance. Kerava is a growing and developing, comfortable hometown where it is possible to live a happy everyday life.
Get to know Kerava's leisure services25.3.2025
12:00 – 14:00
Keravan kaupunginkirjasto, Paasikivenkatu 12, 04200 Kerava
18:00 – 19:30
Keravan kaupunginkirjasto, Paasikivenkatu 12, 04200 Kerava
18:00 – 19:30
Keravan kaupunginkirjasto, Paasikivenkatu 12, 04200 Kerava